Calgary Indoor Beach

Indoor beach volleyball? Like, with sand?

Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions about our indoor beach facility so hopefully these will answer a few of them! If you have a question that isn’t answered here feel free to reach out and ask. We are always happy to talk about The Beach YYC.

We are using an app called Daysmart.

Follow the link above or download the app to your phone to get to our registration page for everything we offer.

It is! Well, not completely of course. We have over 800 tons of sand that fill up our ~13,000 square feet, with five full size volleyball courts. It goes about 1-1.5 feet deep, and we are constantly adding new sand to top it up!
We will offer a variety of leagues, from recreation levels. We will be trying out a few different things in the first year to see what works best for our volleyball players and our community.

At the moment we have a mix of Rec Mix 6’s, Intermediate Mix 4’s, and Competitive Mix 4’s on the plan. We are working out the timing of drop-in nights, and monthly member cards. We are also working out details for our youth leagues, which won’t be available until we can have a few months to sort ourselves out.; we will see how our schedules, staff, and league popularity work for the first few months as the business grows.

As far as other scheduled sports, we are running beach ultimate frisbee on Friday nights, and will have Spikeball setup on nights when not all the courts are needed.

Hopefully we will have enough time for everyone’s beach dreams to come true!

All league registrations must be paid upfront. When registering your team, when it says “Your team will created once you pay the deposit” what it really means, is “once you pay your registration in full.”
We generally keep it at a modest temperature, so that as your body warms up it isn’t too hot. In the summer we will open up our three bay doors to get some natural light in, and let some of the heat out.
We’re going to keep it between 1-1.5 feet deep. This will make sure you wont hit the ground below, and will have enough sand to bury your feet into.
There is enough sand in there so that it doesn’t need to be cleaned. We will maintain it and keep it clear of anything that we can see, and will regularly rake it to keep the courts flat. Ish.

We have two ways to keep the dust down: we have a big new HVAC unit that will help pull dust out, and we will regularly water the beach to keep the dust to a minimum.

We sure do. Whether you’re coming in early to get some practice in before work or a meeting, or have plans after your league night. We have two showers in each bathroom, and an accessible one for those who require it, for families, or for people who want to use a non-gendered change room.
There sure is!

Downstairs next to the beach courts we have a few picnic tables where you can hang out, watch some games and have a snack. We also have an upstairs mezzanine where the future licensed cafe will go, which will include a small patio area that overlooks the entire beach.

For our volleyball leagues everything will be provided, including the nets! For our ultimate frisbee league nights we will have some, but bringing your own is also suggested.

When we run other sports, such as one-off beach soccer or tennis, you may need to bring your own supplies, but we will let you know when the time comes.

Spikeball sets will be provided when there is some beach available.

You should certainly bring a towel for when you rinse off your feet, and if you plan to have a shower!

It was my dad’s idea. If you ever see him walking around, make sure to say hi and thanks!