How do I… Add a teammate

Adding a teammate, or “rostering” a teammate is pretty important, and also fairly simple thing to do.

Sometimes we send out messages to current league players – information about the league start dates, any league updates, free drop-in passes, food specials at George’s Beach Club, etc. – and when we send these emails out it only goes to currently rostered players. If you are not officially on a team then the software will not send it to you. If your captain doesn’t forward them along (or has chosen not to receive emails at all) then you will miss out on whatever info we have for you!

It is also important because it let’s us at The Beach YYC know that everyone has signed the electronic waiver.

Lastly if you arent officially on the team then you wont be able to sign in and check your game scores and standings, see which teams you are going to play, and see and communicate with you other team mates.

So now, here are the simple steps needed to roster your teammates onto your team:

Team Captains need to invite your teammates to join the team, which is done using their email addresses

First, log in to your account here: Log in to your Account

  1. On the home page, click the “Invite” button
    (if you have navigated away from the home page, click “The Beach YYC” in the top left to return home)
  2. Enter the email addresses of your teammates, separated by a comma.
    Add in a friendly message in the message box! Maybe something about how excited you are for some beach volleyball (or other beach sport), and how much you enjoy being their friend.
  3. Hit “Send”

Once your teammate accepts their invitation you will see their name(s) on your team page. As you can see you also see your upcoming schedule and standings all in one spot.

If you have any other questions about rostering teammates, or anything regarding our previous entries in the “How to…” series, let us know!

Thanks and happy beach-ing!
The Beach YYC